Custom Spray Nozzle Solutions – Tank Washing for Food Processing Company

Custom Spray Nozzle Solutions – Tank Washing for Food Processing Company

Application #070182

Industry: Food Processing

Application: Tank Washing

Product Description: Special Bete CLUMP with Increased Spray Range

Situation: A food processing company needed a nozzle to wash a 15′ (4.6 m) diameter, 30′ (9.1 m) tall cylindrical tank. The tank is filled with a glucose solution in which they did not want to submerge the nozzles. Minimal space was left for the nozzle because the liquid level reaches very close to the top of the tank.

Solution: Because of the tank geometry and liquid level, a nozzle would need to be designed to reach different distances depending on the area of the tank to be cleaned. Fortunately, Bete CLUMP tank washing nozzles are easily customizable for non-spherical tanks. A special version of the CLUMP was designed to provide optimal coverage. Wide angle, 120° Bete MaxiPass (MP) nozzles were used at the top of the manifold where the CLUMP would be very close to the contacted tank area. 90° MaxiPass nozzles would be used for the 3 bottom nozzles as usual, but a fourth 60° MaxiPass was added to spray straight down. This fourth bottom nozzle reinforced the coverage far down in the tank.

Custom Spray Nozzle Solutions – Tank Washing for Food Processing Company Drawings and Sketches:

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