Environment One

John Brooks Company is an Authorized Distributor of E/One Sewer Systems which have proven to be an economical and effective method of sewering otherwise difficult land areas, such as flat, wet, rocky and hilly terrain. At the heart of an E/One Sewer® is the grinder pump, developed by Environment One. A pressure sewer system uses small-diameter pipes and grinder pumps, which are often installed at each home. The grinder pump station collects all of the wastewater from the home and grinds it into slurry. The wastewater is then pumped to a larger sewer main or directly to a wastewater treatment plant. Environment One is a manufacturer and provider of products and services for the disposal of residential sanitary waste and Utility Systems for the protection and performance optimization of electric utility assets. Low-pressure, gravity-independent, contour-following sewage collection systems were pioneered by Environment One.