Custom Spray Nozzle Solutions – Low Flow Material Injection
Application #061141
Industry: Chemical Processing
Application: Low Flow Material Injection
Product Description: Bete XA Fluid Cap 14
Situation: Bete Applications Engineers often receive requests for very low injection flow rates into a process stream. Using catalog values, the Bete XA nozzles can deliver very low flows, down to 0.1 to 0.8 gph (0.4 – 3.0 liters per hour), depending on the nozzle series. However, this is not always low enough for some applications. Often the requested flow rate is below any catalog value offered.
Solution: By addressing a customer’s individual needs, BETE’s Applications Engineers can often come up with a custom solution to match the customer’s flow and spray pattern requirements. While there are only a few setups for each Bete XA type in our catalog, there are a large number of possible fluid and air cap combinations, which may be appropriate in certain situations.
Custom Spray Nozzle Solutions – Low Flow Material Injection Drawings and Sketches: